This is the online portfolio and personal page of an IT Professional, Puskar Regmi. Feel free to look around, check out the Blog and be sure to Get in Touch if you like what you see. If you want to read more content, just click the speech bubbles... Simples.

Hello there, I’m a IT Profressional from Kathmandu, Nepal. This website will share a little bit about me, my skills, profile, portfolio and my knowledge with you all. I have used HTML, JavaScript, PHP and other tools / languages / technologies to develop this website.
I have been working as Senior Software and Web Developer for 4+ years in Nepal's Top IT Industry like Sagar International Comptech, Hitech Solution and Services,etc. These company is well known for it's Software and Web Packages in different sectors. I have got the chance to utilize my knowledge and skill for different kind of web/software projects via this company. While working there i have specialized in different kind of database management and software, web application management tools and technique. As well I kindly let you know that you could ask me for you web consultation issue. I will be happy to serve you for all kind of solutions regarding web and Internet technology.

Rather than say how good (or not so good) I am at what I do, I've drawn up this prettyful lookin' Graph instead. Pictures speak a thousand words n' all that, yeah?
In return for you parting with your hard-earned moneys, I can offer you the following:
+ Application Development with VB6, .NET Front-end and Ms-Sql, Ms-Access back-end.
+ Designing Concept with Photoshop and other tools and utilities.
+ Animation Concept with Flash and other tools and Utilities
+ Web Design and Development with ASP.NET and PHP
+ Search Engine Optimisation.
I also specialise in Design & Development for OpenSources Like Joomla, Wordpress, etc.

My work is my pride. Here are some of my works in web developement
+ htpp://

Phone: +977-9721-539908